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Sirisha Komanduri was born in Kakinada, a town in southern part of India
and bred up in central India. She graduated from Guru Ghasidas University
with Master’s in Science specializing in Electronics. In school she was a
topper in Mathematics. She graduated with Mathematics as her major and later,
on advice of her senior professor she changed her major to Electronics.
シリシャ・コマンジュリさんは、インド南部のカキナダ出身。大学時代は数学を専攻し、成績は常にトップ。その才能を見込まれ、教授から大学院で電子工学を専攻してはとのアドバイスに従い、Guru Ghasidas大学大学院で電子工学修士号を取得した。
Mr. Matthew D. Ownby was born in Richmond, Virginia, and graduated from
Kansas State University with a B.S. Electrical Engineering and a B.S. in
Mechanical Engineering. He worked as a system engineer for a NASA
subcontractor at the Johnson Space Center. In 2004, and came to Japan as
GEOS English teacher. He also did research on human machine interaction when he was a senior. From there he has maintained a strong passion and an interest in psychology, especially after moving to Japan in July 2004. He is an excellent public speaker who has won in various international speech contests both in the U.S. and Japan and continues to work hard on motivating people.
Alison Gray is a writer, campaigner and small business owner. She is from near Glasgow in Scotland. She studied Philosophy and Religion at London and Lancaster Universities. From youth she has been interested in how to do things right, and first started promoting fair trade with the UK group Christian Aid at the beginning of the 90's.
Mr. Rainer Jeske born in Germany and living in Japan since 1996 is a strong believer that anyone can achieve success and wealth.
In 2004 he established a company in Japan with a passion to build an individual's career inside out. Rainer is an active global networker and speaks English, Japanese, German and Italian.
He is co-founder of Kuchikomi Marketing Association in Japan (KUMA) and Japan IT Recruitment Association (JITRA).
ライナー・ジェスケさんはドイツ出身で1996年に来日。「誰でも望めば必ず成功と富を手にできる」という強い信念の持主。2004年に日本で起業し、個人の能力を見出だしキャリアに生かすサポートをしている。ドイツ語の他に、英語、日本語、イタリア語を話す。日本で設立した「口コミ・マーケティング・アソシエーション (KUMA)」と「ジャパンITリクルート・アソシエーション(JITRA)」の共同創設者。
Ed Kuiters was born and brought up in
The Netherlands, holds MS in economics.
He worked as a project manager and consultant before moving to Japan in 2006. He loves sociology and learning new things. Freedom is important to him. Special interests are: History, Learning different cultures, Politics, Economics and IT. He currently runs a software company in Japan.
Progressive laws of the Netherlands
John C. Visher, Esq., is an experienced American attorney working in Japan since the late 80’s, helping and guiding foreigners living in Japan including US Navy. He has experience in all fields of law, and actively visits various courts in Tokyo and Yokohama as an observer.
ヴィッシャーさんは、約23年にわたる経験豊富なアメリカ人弁護士で、日本では80年代後半から、外国人や在日米海軍関係者の裁判に、法律顧問として大いに活躍されています。 今回は、その経験を基に、日米の「裁判員制度」についてお話くださいます。
Judicial system in Japan & USA
Born in Finland. BA & MS in Education from University of Turku, and trained in special Education from Helsinki University. Worked as elementary school teacher in Finland from 1995 to 2005 before coming to Japan because of her husband’s relocation. Wrote two books “tanoshi Sansu” & “Finnulando no Kyoikuryoku” which are published by Gakken and being sold at various book stores and Amazon.
1969年フィンランド生まれ。トゥルク大学で教育学の修士学位取得、ヘルシンキ大学で行動科学・特別教育の学位取得。1995年~2005年、フィンランド国内の小学校で教べんをとる。その後、夫の転勤で東京に在住。「フィンランドの教育力」と「楽しい算数」を学習研究社 (学研)から出版している。
Education system in Finland
William Reed has spent nearly 35 years working in and with Japan since 1972, 24 of those years working as an entrepreneur. He is a bilingual author, speaker, and Business Artist, with a dual career in business and the martial arts, spanning over 3 decades.
He has written bestselling books in Japanese on Mind Mapping and Guerrilla Marketing, and several books in English on Japanese culture. He contributes weekly to The Commons Magazine http://www.the-commons.jp , a blog site for well-known Japanese journalists, Dai-job.com and Yomiuri Shimbun.
Since 2002 as a speaker and certified trainer, he has conducted seminars and lectures throughout Japan in Mind Mapping and Guerrilla Marketing to business people, local government organizations, and educators. He has done seminars for AIG Korea, DHL, Gibraltar Life Insurance, Brinks Japan, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Citi Group, TOSHIBA, Autobacs Seven, and the Japan Maritime Self Defense Forces.
He has been featured on Japanese television on Ohayo Tokuhima, and in Japanese business magazines such as DIAMOND Weekly. As an artist, William is accomplished in several Japanese arts with a 7th-degree black belt in Aikido, has taught internationally, and written several books on Aikido and Japanese culture. He has a professional teaching license in Shodo, or Japanese brush calligraphy, and has exhibited at galleries and museums in Tokyo. He has also been an amateur tap dancer for over 15 years.
William first came to Japan in 1972 as an exchange student at Waseda University, graduated in 1974 from Earlham College with a degree in Japanese Language and Area Studies, and earned a Masters Degree in Education from the University of Missouri in 1977. He returned to stay in Japan in 1983, and has been self-employed since that time. As an entrepreneur, he established his own company Reed Research in 1989.
In business, he worked for over 20 years as a business translator and automotive journalist. In 1998 he founded and managed the Japan office for SEMA, the Specialty Equipment Market Association http://www.sema.org , which annually hosts in Las Vegas the largest automotive aftermarket and motor sports trade show in the world. During this time, he worked with government and industry representatives from Japan and overseas, helping foreign companies find business opportunities in the Japanese market.
As a Business Artist, he consolidates his experience into powerful shortcuts which have direct applications to success in personal and professional life. His current emphasis as author, speaker, and artist is achieving agility and mastery, applying the martial arts metaphors of energy, awareness, and footwork to the practical problems of business, communication, and marketing.
JAPAN – Traditional vs Modern What is Attracting the West?
Landed as Malaysian government scholarships recipient during her teenage, Ms. Chyi Lee had encountered various culture shocks in Japan which brought her consciousness and awareness on culture. During her stay in Japan, Chyi has been living with students from almost every corner in Asia, and that deepened her understanding of way of living, including dietary in the region. With her constant travels, conversations and discussions, she enjoys exploring the cultural differences and similarities of Asian culture, and how it was transferred, influenced and modified dynamically among each other. Now, she would like to scope into one of the staple foods in Asia - noodle, to share her insights on how a culture is being originated and spread over the region, which could be an interesting and refreshing point of view.
Exploring Culture in Asia from the Slurp!
Anne a graduate from University College Dublin in 1985 with a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) is currently serving ENTERPRISE IRELAND as Director-Japan since August 2003, assisting Irish companies to enter the Japanese market. She first came to Japan in 1985 on an Irish government sponsored 2-year work placement in NSK (Nihon Software Kaihatsu) KK. She remained a further 3 years in Japan working for Sanwa Bank before joining Technicon, a medical device manufacturer, who relocated her back to Ireland. In 1992 Anne established Ainichi, a cross-cultural consultancy, ensuring she maintained strong links with Japan.
アン・ラニガンさんはアイルランド出身。University College Dublin(ユニバーシティ コレッジ ダブリン)で機械工学を専攻し1985年に卒業。2003年8月より在日アイルランド政府商務庁日本代表を務める。大学卒業後、アイルランド政府から2年間日本ソフトウエア開発(株)に派遣される。その後3年間は、三和銀行(当時)と医療器具メーカーのテクニコンに勤務し、転勤で本国に戻る。1992年にアイルランド(愛蘭土)で、日本との交流を促進するためのコンサルト会社「愛日」を設立し、日本とのきずなを一層強める。2003年現職就任のため再来日。なお、アンさんが代表を務めるアイルランド政府商務庁は、アイルランド政府の通商と産業を担当する庁で、同国の産業振興を主としておこなっており、アンさんは、アイルランド企業が日本へ参入する際の援助を行っている。
Innovative Ireland!
Born in Washington, D.C., Benjamin Tobacman graduated from Harvard with a degree in linguistics before moving to Japan. During his stay, he did research on Japanese linguistics and literature, and in 2008, wrote a best-selling non-fiction work in Japanese: Culture Shock ―Harvard VS Todai. He has sailed around the world as a Japanese-English-Spanish translator, and toured Japan as a Chinese-Japanese translator for Qianshou Guanyin (the Chinese Disabled Persons ' Performing Arts Troupe). He currently lives in China, working as an English instructor at Beijing Language and Culture University.
および日本文学を研究した。2008年に、日本語で書かれた「カルチャーショック ハーバードVS東大」が大学教育出版
The Third Way!
Nhat VUONG is a Vietnamese refugee grew up in Switzerland, speaks six languages and has a Master Degree in Management from HEC Lausanne in Switzerland. He is a firm believer that businesses are responsible and should be used for the good of the society. While working in IT industry he had a vision that technology is at its best when used for contributing something to the society. He believes that because of NPOs he had a lucky life and decided to do something for them by laying foundation to Ikifu.org - a platform for people/businesses to be part of the change.
Social Entrepreneurs - Contributions to the World.
Dr. Meenakshi Joshi is a popular Ayurveda doctor from India.She has been training and educating Japanese about Ayurveda for the past five years. Learn more about Dr. Meenakshi Joshi at Vedichealers.com. For the first time Dr. Meenakshi Joshi is doing trainings in Japan
ミナクシ・ジョシ博士はマハリシ・ダヤナンド 大学でアーユルヴェーダ医学課程外科博士課程を修了後、ハイデラバード・アポロ病院にて予防医学療法修士課程、マニパル・カトゥルバ メディカルカレッジでパンチャカルマ(解毒療法)とクシャスートラ(薬草を用いた治療法)の修士課程をそれぞれ取得されました。
AMDAでのアーユルヴェーダ医師の活動 http://amda.or.jp/content/content0445.html
現在はアルテミス ヘルス インスティチュート ホスピタルで勤務医も務め、博士が創業したヴェディック・ヒーラーズではインド、デリーを拠点に診療所やプレミアムスパの運営やアロマオイル、健康食品サプリメントやハーブ製品の開発研究をしています。
Join us to learn how to captivate audience and speak like a pro! Don’t miss this opportunity to learn effective public speaking from the world class expert, William Reed, to understand how to capture your audience and consequently materialize your life’s goals and dreams in any field! You will learn (a) how to add humor naturally, (b) using effective pauses (c) effective body language and vocal variety and much more.
講師のウィリアム・リードさんは、日本に33年住み、日本語を 40年以上も使いこなし、合氣道七段、書道師範の達人です。まさに「青い目のサムライ」と いう言葉がピッタリな人物であり、「日本文化の語り部」として、世間一般の日本人よりも 日本文化に精通された外国人です。
Dr. Yukihiro Arai earned a Ph.D. degree in information processing technology from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan. He used to be a high-ranking official of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force. He became a member of a club of Toastmasters International --- a worldwide NPO (branches in 136 countries) providing opportunities to those who need to improve and hone their public speaking and leadership skills --- in 1996, when he was stationed in the US. As an experienced Toastmaster, he makes intellectual but entertaining speeches/presentations to make audiences interested in challenging topics such as Einstein’s relativity theory.
新井幸宏さんは東京工業大学で物理情報工学を修めた工学博士で長く航空自衛隊の高官を務められました。米国駐在中に入会したパブリックスピーチとリーダーシップを学ぶ世界的なNPO団体トーストマスターズ(世界136各国に支部あり)の経験豊かなメンバーとして現在日本でご専門分野の難解な理論 – アインシュタインの相対性理論等 - について「市民講座」などに招聘されわかり易くお話をされています。
Ms. Pam Noda became so intrigued with coaching after hiring her first life coach in 2000 that she changed careers to become a coach herself. She has worked with individuals, teams, and business partnerships as a professional coach since 2005. The founder and owner of Hearts at Home Abroad, Pam specializes in relationship coaching for expatriates and international couples. Pam is vice president of the International Coach Federation Japan Chapter, through which she holds the designation of Professional Certified Coach; a licensed Speaking Circles facilitator; a certified provider of Parent Effectiveness Training; and a licensed practitioner of the Lumina Learning personality assessment.