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Testimonials Here are some testimonials for past events. We avoided using the names as requested by participants. Education system in Finland I was amazed that women play much more important role in political and educational fields in Finland than I thought. I would like to to know more about the country where people enjoy freedom and cooperate each other in the society. I want to thank Endeavour International for having organized the seminar on Finland this time, as I have not had any opportunities to learn the country before. It was very helpful to me to know the reason why Finland had become one of the top three in the PISA achievement test for 15-year-old students in OECD countries in 2000, 2003 and 2006. The country’s education system is different from that of Japan in terms of qualifications to be hired as school teacher, no homework during the summer vacation, and no cramming system of education. All information I learned was fresh to me. I thank the organizer for this rare opportunity to learn the country’s educational system directly from the school teacher in Finland. A Finish high school exchange student who studies at a high school in Tokyo was one of the participants by accident. He kindly helped us understand the education system in Finland further by giving us specific examples from the standpoint of a student after the presenter explained the system. I was very impressed with the ability to speak English of both the presenter and the high school student. They are good examples of the high level English education there. Judicial system in Japan I thank Endeavour International to hold the timely and educational seminar by the American attorney on the Japanese judicial system and judicial reforms by comparing with those of the U.S. It was indeed a rare great opportunity to learn the subject from the experienced American attorney. It was very detailed and very informative. Thank you. I was interested in the difference of how lay judges participate in criminal trials, determine facts and decide sentences with an authority basically equivalent to that of professional judges in Japan and the US: by a majority vote in Japan and by a unanimous decision in the US.
Progressive laws of the Netherlands (2)
I really enjoyed your seminar. Thank you very much. If you know of any Dutch Japanese networking groups, please let me know. I would be interested.
Identity Branding Strategy of branding was very helpful. - Participant ライナーさんの英語が聞きやすく、よく理解できた。特に、松平健を例に挙げブランドについて説明くださったところがおもしろく、わかりやすかった。自分自身から外へ働きかけるという積極的な方法に感銘した。- Participant
Fair Trade Alison explained the subject very clearly. I was very interested in some case studies of fair trade projects such as craft and clothes. I hope Endeavour International will have this kind of seminar more. - Participant 2 I am interested in international communications; therefore, I like to join Endeavour International’s events from now on to bridge between Japan and Asian countries. - - Participant 3
Super Delegates & Election system in America 歴史的な経過をふまえ、問題点をいろいろと理解でき、聞いたお話しのすべてがとても有意義で大変役にたちました。特に日本とアメリカの選挙の仕組みの相違をよく理解できました。講師の誠実なお人柄とともに彼の英語がとても明瞭でわかりやすかったです。スライドもよく出来ていて楽しくわかりやすかったと思います。素晴らしいセミナーをありがとうございました。- Participant インドの数学教育に関するセミナーは、とても勉強になる素晴らしいものでした。プレゼンターの英語はとても聞き易く、お話しの構成も大変お上手で、知らず知らずの内にテーマの中に引き込まれました。私は現在通訳になるためのトレーニングを受けていますが、様々なトピックに対し常に関心を持たなければならないと痛感していますので、その点でも、今回のように第一線でご活躍の方からお話を聞ける機会を持てることは大変貴重なことと思っています。ありがとうございました。
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