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JAPAN – Traditional vs Modern
- What is Attracting the West?



by Mr. William Reed

Japan has always been attractive to the West, as well as other Asian countries. In the past, it had images of weird masks, twirling red umbrellas, kimono-clad ladies demurely pouring cups of tea in tranquil cherry-blossomed temples etc., while today it is attracting interest from overseas because of otaku, manga, anime, J-pop. Irrespective of the economic situation we see Westerners visiting Japan, spending time to learn and enjoy the culture. Why and what is it that westerners are interested in Japan?
Our next speaker William Reed has spent more than 37 years in Japan learning the culture and traditions and working in Japan as an Entrepreneur. In the first week of July, William is going to exhibit and perform at 10th Annual EXPO in Paris to promote Japanese culture. He is going to share with us some of his experiences, and how the 150,000 expected participants responded to new trends in Japanese culture. Having an Entrepreneurial background, he will also share with us some of the business opportunities for Japanese to benefit from the attraction of Japan.

今回、日本滞在37年で、日本文化に大変造詣が深く、日本語に堪能な文筆家・講演者で、同時に起業家であるウィリアム・リードさんを講師にお招きし、この人気の理由についてお話しいただきます。ウィリアムさんは、7月初旬にパリで開催のJapan EXPO(ジャパン・エクスポ)で、約15万人を見込む入場者へ、日本文化に関する講演に加え、合氣道、書道などのパフォーマンスも行うことになっています。今回エンデバー・インターナショナルのために、Japan EXPO での経験を、素晴らしいビジュアル資料を駆使し、クール・ジャパンに焦点をあてお話し下さいます。ぜひご出席になり、日本文化の素晴らしさを再発見してください。クール・ジャパンが、皆さんのビジネス・チャンスにつながるかもしれません。この機会をお見逃しなく!

Register now while the seats are still available.



William Reed is a bilingual author‐speaker and Japan expert. William first came to Japan in 1972 as a foreign exchange student at Waseda University. Fascinated, he extended his stay to study Japanese language and culture, and over the last 37 years has made a career of it. He has a 7th degree black belt in Aikido, which he has taught and also published internationally. He also has a Shihan license in Shodo, and his calligraphy has won prizes in national competitions in Japan. As a Nanba instructor, he teaches the art of Physical Finesse at Toho Gakuen College of Music, and is producing a course on JAPANOLOGY for Ohtemae University's accredited e-Learning program. He also has over 25 years of experience as an Entrepreneur working in Japan, applying practical wisdom from the Japanese arts to the world of business.

BLOG: http://www.EntrepreneursCreativeEdge.com
DAIJOB/YOMIURI Column:http://www.daijob.com/en/columns/williamreed/list
Creative Career Path: http://www.creativecareerpath.com/

Books written by William Reed: 記憶力・発想力が驚くほど高まるマインドマップ・ノート術, お客の心に飛び込め!――実践ゲリラ・マーケティング入門 (講談社BIZ), ビジネス「自在力」練習帳―身体力・発想力...

Past work:http://www.kirita-pen.jp/linnku/reed.htm


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